You wake up, look in the mirror with frustration
'How did I get here?'
The number on the scale is more than you want
The shirts don't fit like they should
You're tired and frustrated and it makes you feel stuck
You've thought about getting in shape
But you're not sure where to start?
Age: 34 Years
Weight Loss: 33.6kg
Waist Down: 32.5cm
Age: 40 Years
Weight Loss: 15.6kg
Waist Down: 29.5cm
Age: 27 Years
Weight Loss: 11kg
Waist Down: 16cm
No-carbs diets, shakes and salads?
Why start something you are never going to stick to?
You'll lose a bit of weight from not eating,
And the moment you quit the diet, it all goes back on!
This is a road to nowhere
And there's a far better way..
A way to keep you both full AND losing weight
And a way you can follow forever...
Age: 32 Years
Weight Loss: 24.7kg
Waist Down: 31cm
Age: 37 Years
Weight Loss: 14kg
Waist Down: 25cm
Age: 35 Years
Weight Loss: 18.3kg
Waist Down: 54cm
And when the changes start happening,
You'll sense that feeling 'I can do this!'
1 - Decrease body fat and belt size for improved body composition
2 - Maintain and build muscle mass for improved strength and metabolism
3 - Develop physical strength and mobility so life gets easier
This is a lifestyle change not another 4-week fat loss challenge
We'll show you the path to living weight-free forever
Age: 30 Years
Weight Loss: 19kg
Waist Down: 19cm
Age: 39 Years
Weight Loss: 6.2kg
Waist Down: 18cm
Age: 61 Years
Weight Loss: 31.2kg
Waist Down : 37cm
Let's start with why in-person Personal Training sucks...
You turn up and pay your trainer for an hour-long session
It's either early morning or late at night to fit with their time slots
You show up, pay for a hit of motivation (aka butt-kicking)
When the session's done, you're all on you own
There's no nutrition help, no guidance when you're struggling, no in-between support
And the more you do, the more you pay
It's Convenient - Wherever you want, whenever you want. Perfect for guys that work long hours or who run businesses.
Is Flexible and Easy To Access - Round-The Clock support to get help when you need it.
It Prioritises Nutrition - Because it's the most important thing! Our eating plans are made by a university-qualified Dietitian
Focusses on Implementation - Because the hardest part is just doing it!
Is Less Expensive - No paying per session and having to jam it all into an hour. In fact, the more you use the program, the cheaper it works out.
Feel Empowered, Not Dependent - becoming reliant on a trainer for motivation means you're never free. Let's show you how to do this for yourself!
Kev Grant, 50 Years - 25kg lost, life is back
You're A Busy Time-Poor Dad - that has looked after everyone else for years, and now wants to put himself back in the game.
You're Aged Over 27 Years - your priorities are on building a healthy, active life that allows you to keep pace with the demands of your day
You Want More Energy - so that you power through your days instead of feeling drowned by sluggishness?
You Want To Regain Motivation and Mojo - you want to create lifestyle habits that build your confidence, better your self-image and are sustainable for life.
You Are Ready To Learn, Apply and Live Large - you're done with playing small and blaming external circumstances and are ready to step up.
Leon Bubenicek - A dad now killing it with his son!
The recipe for success in over 1000 transformations to date is this:
This is outlined below:
Your Meal Plan - simple and perfectly suitable for the whole family - pizzas, burgers, steaks all on the menu - designed to fill you up and sustain your energy demands as a busy man whilst forcing weight loss and preserving muscle tone.
Your Workout Plan - completely customised programs targeted to your body goals and assembled with instructional videos to help you complete workouts and build your confidence in training. We can provide both at-home and gym based plans.
BBA Phone App - easy access to tools for tracking workouts, looking up recipes, updating progress and completing check-ins. Much more convenient than loose paper!
Weekly Live Coaching and Workshops - based around 4 key areas: Nutrition, Training, Mindset and Lifestyle upgrade.
Access to and Live Calls With Coaches - speaking directly with your coaches so you have clarity and support any time motivation drops.
Weekly Check-ins - to ensure you're moving you toward your goals and not slipping through the cracks.
Empowering Facebook Community - a brotherhood of men levelling up, challenging and supporting each other making it a team-game with monthly challenges.
We guarantee that by enrolling in this program:
Here it straight from the mouths of our clients
Age: 49 Years
Weight Loss: 22kg
Waist Down: 24cm
Age: 36 Years
Weight Loss: 11kg
Waist Down: 12.3cm
Age: 39 Years
Weight Loss: 42kg
Waist Down: 12.3cm
We believe strongly in the idea that 'alone we can do so little, together we can do so much'
Transformation is a lonely journey if it's done alone and without support.
And for this reason, we've created an amazing community of men that pick each other up and push each other through their challenges.
We cannot possible communicate the importance of this until you feel the power of it.
If you've reached the point of wanting to move forward, our team and community are ready to support you.
Men like these, that know that the hardest part, is making a start.
Age: 40 Years
Weight Loss: 39.5kg
Waist Down: 45cm
Age: 40 Years
Weight Loss: 33.4kg
Waist Down: 36cm
Age: 37 Years
Weight Loss: 6kg
Waist Down: 9cm